Optimizing: @taylorize
Here, we describe the use of the macro @taylorize
, which parses the functions containing the ODEs to be integrated, allowing taylorinteg
and lyap_taylorinteg
to be sped up.
The macro @taylorize
is still in an experimental state; be cautious of the resulting integration, which has to be tested carefully.
Some context and the idea
The way in which taylorinteg
works by default is repeatedly calling the function where the ODEs of the problem are defined, in order to compute the recurrence relations that are used to construct the Taylor expansion of the solution. This is done for each order of the series in TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!
. These computations are not optimized: they waste memory due to repeated allocations of some temporary arrays, and perform some operations whose result has already been previously computed.
Here we describe one way to optimize this: The idea is to replace the default method of TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!
by another method (same function name) which is called by dispatch, and that in principle performs better. The new method is constructed specifically for the function defining the equations of motion by parsing its expression. This new method performs in principle exactly the same operations, but avoids repeating some operations and the extra allocations. To achieve the latter, the macro also creates an internal function TaylorIntegration._allocate_jetcoeffs!
, which allocates all temporary Taylor1
objects as well as the declared Array{Taylor1,N}
s, which are stored in a TaylorIntegration.RetAlloc
struct for efficiency, and include arrays (of Taylor1{T}
objects) with up-to-three indices.
An example
In order to explain how the macro works, we shall use as an example the mathematical pendulum. First, we carry out the integration using the default method, as described before.
using TaylorIntegration
function pendulumNP!(dx, x, p, t) # `pendulum!` ODEs, not parsed
dx[1] = x[2]
dx[2] = -sin(x[1])
return dx
# Initial time (t0), final time (tf) and initial condition (q0)
t0 = 0.0
tf = 10000.0
q0 = [1.3, 0.0]
# The actual integration
sol1 = taylorinteg(pendulumNP!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000); # warm-up run
e1 = @elapsed taylorinteg(pendulumNP!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000);
all1 = @allocated taylorinteg(pendulumNP!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000);
e1, all1
(0.884625471, 814222720)
The initial number of methods defined for TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!
is 2; yet, since @taylorize
was used in an example previously, the current number of methods is 3, as explained below.
println(methods(TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!)) # default methods
# 3 methods for generic function "jetcoeffs!" from TaylorIntegration:
[1] jetcoeffs!(::Val{Main.__atexample__named__common.pcr3bp!}, t::Taylor1{_T}, q::AbstractArray{Taylor1{_S}, _N}, dq::AbstractArray{Taylor1{_S}, _N}, param, __ralloc::TaylorIntegration.RetAlloc{Taylor1{_S}}) where {_T<:Real, _S<:Number, _N}
@ Main.__atexample__named__common none:0
[2] jetcoeffs!(eqsdiff!::Function, t::Taylor1{T}, x::AbstractArray{Taylor1{U}, N}, dx::AbstractArray{Taylor1{U}, N}, xaux::AbstractArray{Taylor1{U}, N}, params) where {T<:Real, U<:Number, N}
@ ~/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/src/integrator/jetcoeffs.jl:62
[3] jetcoeffs!(eqsdiff::Function, t::Taylor1{T}, x::Taylor1{U}, params) where {T<:Real, U<:Number}
@ ~/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/src/integrator/jetcoeffs.jl:23
Similarly, the number of methods for TaylorIntegration._allocate_jetcoeffs!
originally is 2, and for the same reasons it is currently 3.
println(methods(TaylorIntegration._allocate_jetcoeffs!)) # default methods
# 3 methods for generic function "_allocate_jetcoeffs!" from TaylorIntegration:
[1] _allocate_jetcoeffs!(::Val{Main.__atexample__named__common.pcr3bp!}, t::Taylor1{_T}, q::AbstractArray{Taylor1{_S}, _N}, dq::AbstractArray{Taylor1{_S}, _N}, param) where {_T<:Real, _S<:Number, _N}
@ Main.__atexample__named__common none:0
[2] _allocate_jetcoeffs!(::Taylor1{T}, x::AbstractArray{Taylor1{S}, N}, ::AbstractArray{Taylor1{S}, N}, params) where {T, S, N}
@ ~/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/src/integrator/jetcoeffs.jl:109
[3] _allocate_jetcoeffs!(::Taylor1{T}, x::Taylor1{S}, params) where {T, S}
@ ~/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/src/integrator/jetcoeffs.jl:108
Using @taylorize
will increase this number by creating a new method for these functions.
The macro @taylorize
is intended to be used in front of the function that implements the equations of motion. The macro does the following: it first parses the function as it is, so the integration can still be computed using taylorinteg
as above, by explicitly using the keyword argument parse_eqs=false
; this also declares the function of the ODEs, whose name is used for parsing. It then creates and evaluates a new method of TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!
, which is the specialized method (through Val
) on the specific function passed to the macro as well as a specialized TaylorIntegration._allocate_jetcoeffs!
@taylorize function pendulum!(dx, x, p, t)
dx[1] = x[2]
dx[2] = -sin(x[1])
return dx
# 1 method for generic function "pendulum!" from Main:
[1] pendulum!(dx, x, p, t)
@ none:0
println(methods(TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!)) # result should be 4
# 4 methods for generic function "jetcoeffs!" from TaylorIntegration:
[1] jetcoeffs!(::Val{Main.pendulum!}, t::Taylor1{_T}, x::AbstractArray{Taylor1{_S}, _N}, dx::AbstractArray{Taylor1{_S}, _N}, p, __ralloc::TaylorIntegration.RetAlloc{Taylor1{_S}}) where {_T<:Real, _S<:Number, _N}
@ Main none:0
[2] jetcoeffs!(::Val{Main.__atexample__named__common.pcr3bp!}, t::Taylor1{_T}, q::AbstractArray{Taylor1{_S}, _N}, dq::AbstractArray{Taylor1{_S}, _N}, param, __ralloc::TaylorIntegration.RetAlloc{Taylor1{_S}}) where {_T<:Real, _S<:Number, _N}
@ Main.__atexample__named__common none:0
[3] jetcoeffs!(eqsdiff!::Function, t::Taylor1{T}, x::AbstractArray{Taylor1{U}, N}, dx::AbstractArray{Taylor1{U}, N}, xaux::AbstractArray{Taylor1{U}, N}, params) where {T<:Real, U<:Number, N}
@ ~/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/src/integrator/jetcoeffs.jl:62
[4] jetcoeffs!(eqsdiff::Function, t::Taylor1{T}, x::Taylor1{U}, params) where {T<:Real, U<:Number}
@ ~/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/src/integrator/jetcoeffs.jl:23
We see that there is only one method of pendulum!
, and there is a new method (four in total) of TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!
, whose signature appears in this documentation as Val{Main.pendulum!}
. It is a specialized version for the function pendulum!
(with some extra information about the module where the function was created). This method is selected internally if it exists (default), exploiting dispatch, when calling taylorinteg
or lyap_taylorinteg
. In order to integrate using the hard-coded standard (default) method of TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!
of the integration above, the keyword argument parse_eqs
has to be set to false
. Similarly, one can check that there exists a new method of TaylorIntegration._allocate_jetcoeffs!
Now we carry out the integration using the specialized method; note that we use the same instruction as above; the default value for the keyword argument parse_eqs
is true
, so we may omit it.
sol2 = taylorinteg(pendulum!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000); # warm-up run
e2 = @elapsed taylorinteg(pendulum!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000);
all2 = @allocated taylorinteg(pendulum!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000);
e2, all2
(0.136033022, 53741008)
We note the difference in the performance and allocations:
e1/e2, all1/all2
(6.503020060820232, 15.15086430831368)
We can check that both integrations yield the same results.
sol1.t == sol2.t && sol1.x == sol2.x
As stated above, in order to allow opting out of using the specialized method created by @taylorize
, taylorinteg
and lyap_taylorinteg
recognize the keyword argument parse_eqs
; setting it to false
causes the standard method to be used.
taylorinteg(pendulum!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000, parse_eqs=false); # warm-up run
e3 = @elapsed taylorinteg(pendulum!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000, parse_eqs=false);
all3 = @allocated taylorinteg(pendulum!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000, parse_eqs=false);
e1/e3, all1/all3
(0.9172514368496978, 1.0000023777334577)
We now illustrate the possibility of exploiting the macro when using TaylorIntegration.jl
from DifferentialEquations.jl
using OrdinaryDiffEq
prob = ODEProblem(pendulum!, q0, (t0, tf), nothing) # no parameters
solT = solve(prob, TaylorMethod(25), abstol=1e-20, parse_eqs=true); # warm-up run
e4 = @elapsed solve(prob, TaylorMethod(25), abstol=1e-20, parse_eqs=true);
Note that there is an additional cost to using solve
in comparison with taylorinteg
, but still @taylorize
yields improved running times.
The speed-up obtained comes from the design of the new (specialized) method of TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!
as described above: it avoids some allocations and some repeated computations. This is achieved by knowing the specific AST of the function of the ODEs integrated, which is walked through and translated into the actual implementation, where some required auxiliary arrays are created and reused, and the low-level functions defined in TaylorSeries.jl
are used. For this, we heavily rely on Espresso.jl
and some metaprogramming; we thank Andrei Zhabinski for his help and comments.
The new TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!
and TaylorIntegration._allocate_jetcoeffs!
methods can be inspected by constructing the expression corresponding to the function, and using TaylorIntegration._make_parsed_jetcoeffs
ex = :(function pendulum!(dx, x, p, t)
dx[1] = x[2]
dx[2] = -sin(x[1])
return dx
new_ex1, new_ex2 = TaylorIntegration._make_parsed_jetcoeffs(ex)
(:(function TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!(::Val{pendulum!}, t::Taylor1{_T}, x::AbstractArray{Taylor1{_S}, _N}, dx::AbstractArray{Taylor1{_S}, _N}, p, __ralloc::TaylorIntegration.RetAlloc{Taylor1{_S}}) where {_T <: Real, _S <: Number, _N}
order = t.order
tmp386 = __ralloc.v0[1]
tmp388 = __ralloc.v0[2]
for ord = 0:order - 1
ordnext = ord + 1
TaylorSeries.identity!(dx[1], x[2], ord)
TaylorSeries.sincos!(tmp386, tmp388, x[1], ord)
TaylorSeries.subst!(dx[2], tmp386, ord)
for __idx = eachindex(x)
TaylorIntegration.solcoeff!(x[__idx], dx[__idx], ordnext)
return nothing
end), :(function TaylorIntegration._allocate_jetcoeffs!(::Val{pendulum!}, t::Taylor1{_T}, x::AbstractArray{Taylor1{_S}, _N}, dx::AbstractArray{Taylor1{_S}, _N}, p) where {_T <: Real, _S <: Number, _N}
order = t.order
dx[1] = Taylor1(identity(constant_term(x[2])), order)
tmp386 = Taylor1(sin(constant_term(x[1])), order)
tmp388 = Taylor1(cos(constant_term(x[1])), order)
dx[2] = Taylor1(-(constant_term(tmp386)), order)
return TaylorIntegration.RetAlloc{Taylor1{_S}}([tmp386, tmp388], [Array{Taylor1{_S}, 1}(undef, 0)], [Array{Taylor1{_S}, 2}(undef, 0, 0)], [Array{Taylor1{_S}, 3}(undef, 0, 0, 0)], [Array{Taylor1{_S}, 4}(undef, 0, 0, 0, 0)])
The first function has a similar structure as the hard-coded method of TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!
, but uses low-level functions in TaylorSeries
(e.g., sincos!
above). Temporary Taylor1
objects as well as declared arrays are allocated once by TaylorIntegration._allocate_jetcoeffs!
. More complex functions quickly become very difficult to read. Note that, if necessary, one can further optimize new_ex
Limitations and some advice
The construction of the internal function obtained by using @taylorize
is somewhat complicated and limited. Here we list some limitations and provide some advice.
Expressions must involve two arguments at most, which requires using parentheses appropriately: For example,
res = a+b+c
should be written asres = (a+b)+c
. This may lead to more parentheses used in compound expressions than would be typical outside of the@taylorize
context. It also means the sequence of operations will be explicit for a compound expression rather than implicit.Updating operators such as
, etc., are not supported. For example, the expressionx += y
is not recognized by@taylorize
. Likewise, expressions such asx = x+y
are not supported by@taylorize
and should be replaced by equivalent expressions in which variables appear only on one side of the assignment; e.g.z = x+y; x = z
. The introduction of such temporary variablesz
is left to the user.The macro allows the use of array declarations through
, but other ways (e.g.similar
) are not yet implemented. Note that certain temporary arrays may be introduced to avoid re-computating certain expressions; only up-to-three indices expressions are currently handled.Avoid using variables prefixed by an underscore, in particular
, as well asord
; using them may lead to name collisions with some internal variables used in the constructed expressions.Broadcasting is not recognized by
.The macro may be used in combination with the common interface with
, for functions using the(du, u, p, t)
in-place form, as we showed above. Other extensions allowed byDifferentialEquations
may not be able to exploit it.if-else
blocks are recognized in their long form, but short-circuit conditional operators (&&
) are not. When comparing to a Taylor expansion, use operators such asiszero
tests rather than comparing against numeric literals.Input and output lengths should be determined at the time of
application (parse time), not at runtime. Avoid using the length of the input as an implicit indicator of whether to write all elements of the output. If conditional output of auxiliary equations is desired use explicit methods, such as through parameters or by setting auxiliary vector elements to zero, and assigning unwanted auxiliary outputs zero.Expressions which correspond to function calls (so the
field is:call
) which are not recognized by the parser are simply copied. The heuristics used, especially for vectors, may not work for all cases.Use
for internal parameters, e.g., simple constant values; this improves performance. Do not use it if the variable is needed to be Taylor expanded during the integration step.To examine the code generated for
for a specific ODE function, follow the pendulum example above; create an expression by wrapping the ODE function (without@taylorize
prefix) in a:()
-block, and supply the expression toTaylorIntegration._make_parsed_jetcoeffs
. This can help in debugging issues with either function generated by@taylorize
supports multi-threading viaThreads.@threads
. WARNING: this feature is experimental. Since thread-safety depends on the definition of each ODE, we cannot guarantee the resulting code to be thread-safe in advance. The user should check the resulting code to ensure that it is indeed thread-safe. For more information about multi-threading, the reader is referred to the Julia documentation.
We recommend to skim test/taylorize.jl
, which implements different cases and highlights examples where the macro does not work, and how to solve the problem; read the information that is in the comments.
Please report any problems you may encounter.