Poincaré maps
In this example, we shall illustrate how to construct a Poincaré map associated with the surface of section $x=0$, $\dot x>0$, for $E=0.1025$ for the Hénon-Heiles system. This is equivalent to find the roots of an appropriate function g(dx, x, params, t)
. We illustrate the implementation using many initial conditions (Monte Carlo like implementation), and then compare the results with the use of jet transport techniques.
Monte Carlo simulation
The Hénon-Heiles system is a 2-dof Hamiltonian system used to model the (planar) motion of a star around a galactic center. The Hamiltonian is given by $H = (p_x^2+p_y^2)/2 + (x^2+y^2)/2 + \lambda (x^2y-y^3/3)$, from which the equations of motion can be obtained; below we concentrate in the case $\lambda=1$.
# Hamiltonian
V(x,y) = 0.5*( x^2 + y^2 )+( x^2*y - y^3/3)
H(x,y,p,q) = 0.5*(p^2+q^2) + V(x, y)
H(x) = H(x...)
# Equations of motion
function henonheiles!(dq, q, p, t)
x, y, px, py = q
dq[1] = px
dq[2] = py
dq[3] = -x-2y*x
dq[4] = -y-(x^2-y^2)
We set the initial energy, which is a conserved quantity; x0
corresponds to the initial condition, which will be properly adjusted to be in the correct energy surface.
# initial energy and initial condition
const E0 = 0.1025
x0 = [0.0, 0.45335, 0.0, 0.0]
In order to be able to generate (random) initial conditions with the appropriate energy, we write a function px
, which depends on x
, y
, py
and the energy E
, that returns the value of px>0
for which the initial condition [x, y, px, py]
has energy E
# px: select px0>0 such that E=E0
px(x, E) = sqrt(2(E-V(x[1], x[2]))-x[4]^2)
# px!: in-place version of px; returns the modified initial condition `x0`
function px!(x, E)
mypx = px(x, E)
x[3] = mypx
return x
# run px!
px!(x0, E0)
4-element Vector{Float64}:
Let's check that the initial condition x0
has actually energy equal to E0
, up to roundoff accuracy:
The scalar function g
, which may depend on the time t
, the vector of dependent variables x
, the velocities dx
, and perhaps some parameters params
, following again the convention of DifferentialEquations.jl
, defines the surface of section by means of the condition $g(dx, x, params, t) = 0$. Internally, the function g
is assumed to return a Tuple{Bool, Taylor1{T}}
, where T
corresponds to eltype(x[1])
). In the particular case that the user wishes to discard a particular crossing (or crossings), the function g
must return a false
value, as will be illustrated below.
For the present example, we are looking for crossings through the surface $x=0$, which corresponds to x[1]==0
, restricting the crossings to satisfy $\dot x > 0$. i.e., x[3]>0
. We thus define the function g
# x=0, px>0 section
function g(dx, x, p, t)
px_ = constant_term(x[3])
# if px > 0...
if px_ > zero(px_)
return (true, x[1])
#otherwise, discard the crossing
return (false, x[1])
Note that in the definition of g
we want to make sure that we only take the "positive" crossings through the surface of section $x=0$; hence the if...else...
We initialize some auxiliary arrays, where we shall save the solutions:
# number of initial conditions
nconds = 100
tvSv = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(undef, nconds)
xvSv = Vector{Matrix{Float64}}(undef, nconds)
gvSv = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(undef, nconds)
x_ini = similar(x0)
We generate nconds
random initial conditions in a small neighborhood around x0
and integrate the equations of motion from t0=0
to tmax=135
, using a polynomial of order 25 and absolute tolerance 1e-25
using TaylorIntegration
for i in 1:nconds
rand1 = rand()
rand2 = rand()
x_ini .= x0 .+ 0.005 .* [0.0, sqrt(rand1)*cos(2pi*rand2), 0.0, sqrt(rand1)*sin(2pi*rand2)]
px!(x_ini, E0) # ensure initial energy is E0
sol_i = taylorinteg(henonheiles!, g, x_ini, 0.0, 135.0,
25, 1e-25, maxsteps=30000);
tvSv[i] = vcat(0.0, sol_i.t)
xvSv[i] = vcat(transpose(x_ini), sol_i.x)
gvSv[i] = vcat(0.0, sol_i.gresids)
We generate an animation with the solutions
using Plots
poincare_anim1 = @animate for i=1:21
scatter(map(x->x[i,2], xvSv), map(x->x[i,4], xvSv), label="$(i-1)-th iterate",
m=(1,stroke(0)), ratio=:equal)
title!("Hénon-Heiles Poincaré map (21 iterates)")
Plots.Animation("/tmp/jl_enjixG", ["000001.png", "000002.png", "000003.png", "000004.png", "000005.png", "000006.png", "000007.png", "000008.png", "000009.png", "000010.png" … "000012.png", "000013.png", "000014.png", "000015.png", "000016.png", "000017.png", "000018.png", "000019.png", "000020.png", "000021.png"])
gif(poincare_anim1, "poincareanim1.gif", fps = 2)
[ Info: Saved animation to /home/runner/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/docs/build/poincareanim1.gif
Jet transport
Now, we illustrate the use of jet transport techniques in the same example, that is, we propagate a neighborhood around x0
, which will be plotted in the Poincaré map. We first define the vector of small increments of the phase space variables, xTN
; we fix the maximum order of the polynomial expansion in these variables to be 4
. Then, x0TN
is the neighborhood in the 4-dimensional phase space around $x0$.
xTN = set_variables("δx δy δpx δpy", numvars=length(x0), order=4)
x0TN = x0 .+ xTN
As it was shown above, $x0$ belongs to the energy surface $H(x0) = E_0 = 0.1025$; yet, as it was defined above, the set of phase space points denoted by x0TN
includes points that belong to other energy surfaces. This can be noticed by computing H(x0TN)
0.1025 + 0.2478237775 δy + 0.24817464176177093 δpx + 0.9533499999999999 δx² + 0.046650000000000025 δy² + 0.5 δpx² + 0.5 δpy² + 1.0 δx² δy - 0.3333333333333333 δy³ + 𝒪(‖x‖⁵)
Clearly, the expression above may contain points whose energy is different from E0
. As it was done above, we shall fix the px
component of x0TN
so all points of the neighborhood are in the same energy surface.
px!(x0TN, E0) # Impose that all variations are on the proper energy shell!
0.1025 - 5.551115123125783e-17 δy² - 5.551115123125783e-17 δy³ - 1.7763568394002505e-15 δx² δy² - 4.440892098500626e-16 δy⁴ + 8.881784197001252e-16 δy² δpy² + 𝒪(‖x‖⁵)
We notice that the coefficients of all monomials whose order is not zero are very small, and the constant_term is E0
In order to properly handle this case, we need to extend the definition of g
to be useful for Taylor1{TaylorN{T}}
#specialized method of g for Taylor1{TaylorN{T}}'s
function g(dx::Array{Taylor1{TaylorN{T}},1}, x::Array{Taylor1{TaylorN{T}},1},
p, t) where {T<:Number}
px_ = constant_term(constant_term(x[3]))
if px_ > zero( T )
return (true, x[1])
return (false, x[1])
We are now set to carry out the integration.
solTN = taylorinteg(henonheiles!, g, x0TN, 0.0, 135.0, 25, 1e-25, maxsteps=30000);
We define some auxiliary arrays, and then make an animation with the results for plotting.
#some auxiliaries:
tvTN, xvTN, tvSTN, xvSTN, gvSTN = solTN.t, solTN.x, solTN.tevents, solTN.xevents, solTN.gresids
xvSTNaa = Array{Array{TaylorN{Float64},1}}(undef, length(tvSTN)+1 );
xvSTNaa[1] = x0TN
for ind in 2:length(tvSTN)+1
whatever = xvSTN[ind-1,:]
xvSTNaa[ind] = whatever
tvSTNaa = union([zero(tvSTN[1])], tvSTN);
myrnd = 0:0.01:1
npoints = length(myrnd)
ncrosses = length(tvSTN)
yS = Array{Float64}(undef, ncrosses+1, npoints)
pS = Array{Float64}(undef, ncrosses+1, npoints)
ξy = @. myrad * cos(2pi*myrnd)
ξp = @. myrad * sin(2pi*myrnd)
for indpoint in 1:npoints
yS[1,indpoint] = x0[2] + ξy[indpoint]
pS[1,indpoint] = x0[4] + ξp[indpoint]
mycond = [0.0, ξy[indpoint], 0.0, ξp[indpoint]]
for indS in 2:ncrosses+1
temp = evaluate(xvSTNaa[indS], mycond)
yS[indS,indpoint] = temp[2]
pS[indS,indpoint] = temp[4]
poincare_anim2 = @animate for i=1:21
scatter(map(x->x[i,2], xvSv), map(x->x[i,4], xvSv), marker=(:circle, stroke(0)),
markersize=0.01, label="Monte Carlo")
plot!(yS[i,:], pS[i,:], width=0.1, label="Jet transport")
title!("Poincaré map: 4th-order jet transport vs Monte Carlo")
Plots.Animation("/tmp/jl_YT0Jkt", ["000001.png", "000002.png", "000003.png", "000004.png", "000005.png", "000006.png", "000007.png", "000008.png", "000009.png", "000010.png" … "000012.png", "000013.png", "000014.png", "000015.png", "000016.png", "000017.png", "000018.png", "000019.png", "000020.png", "000021.png"])
gif(poincare_anim2, "poincareanim2.gif", fps = 2)
[ Info: Saved animation to /home/runner/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/docs/build/poincareanim2.gif
The next animation is the same as before, adapting the scale.
poincare_anim3 = @animate for i=1:21
scatter(map(x->x[i,2], xvSv), map(x->x[i,4], xvSv), marker=(:circle, stroke(0)),
markersize=0.1, label="Monte Carlo")
plot!(yS[i,:], pS[i,:], width=0.5, label="Jet transport")
title!("Poincaré map: 4th-order jet transport vs Monte Carlo")
Plots.Animation("/tmp/jl_75cOxf", ["000001.png", "000002.png", "000003.png", "000004.png", "000005.png", "000006.png", "000007.png", "000008.png", "000009.png", "000010.png" … "000012.png", "000013.png", "000014.png", "000015.png", "000016.png", "000017.png", "000018.png", "000019.png", "000020.png", "000021.png"])
gif(poincare_anim3, "poincareanim3.gif", fps = 2)
[ Info: Saved animation to /home/runner/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/docs/build/poincareanim3.gif